What is Domino?
Domino is a small wooden or plastic block, often square but sometimes rectangular, marked with spots or dots that resemble those on dice. The most familiar domino is a set of 28 tiles called a double-six, although there are many more varieties. Dominoes are used for a variety of games and also as building blocks to create structures, such as towers and pyramids. Dominoes are a cousin of playing cards and are among the oldest tools for game play. They allow people to interact with each other, test their skills and patience, and explore the laws of physics.
Dominoes are a popular toy and can be found in homes and schools, as well as in restaurants and other businesses. They can be arranged in straight or curved lines and even stacked to make 3D structures. People can even use them to create art pieces and display them for others to admire.
A domino is most commonly used in a game involving one or more players who try to play all of their tiles before the opponent does. The first player to do so wins. There are many rules for the different variations of the game, but most involve either blocking or scoring with a combination of strategy and luck.
The earliest domino sets consisted of just seven tiles. Later, they were extended by adding additional ends to the basic squares. Each end can have a value, usually indicated by numbers or letters. The more pips a domino has, the higher its value. The most common sets have eight pips; larger sets have more, up to a maximum of twelve.
In some games, the values on each end are not matching. Then the player must choose a domino from the boneyard, or pile of unplayed dominoes, that has the same value as the one that just fell. This can continue until one player cannot lay any more tiles or the game is ended by a “knock,” which occurs when both opponents have played all of their tiles.
Dominoes can be used to teach children about counting, math and geometry. They can also help develop dexterity, hand-eye coordination and problem solving skills. Children also enjoy lining up dominoes and then flicking them to watch them fall. These activities can lead to a sense of accomplishment and pride. The process also helps children learn that if one tiny domino falls, it can influence another and lead to an amazing chain reaction.
Dominoes are a good model for the function of nerve cells, or neurons. When the first domino is pushed down, it triggers a series of impulses that travel down the line, just as nerve impulses travel from the brain to the rest of the body. The impulses travel at a constant speed, do not lose energy, and can only move in one direction.