Variations of the Game of Dominoes
A domino is a small rectangular block used for playing games. It has identifying marks on one side, which are usually a line or pattern in the middle. Traditionally, European style dominoes are made of ivory, dark hardwood such as ebony, or bone. The game of dominoes first appeared in Italy in the mid-18th century. By the end of the nineteenth century, they were popular in France and Austria. Eventually, dominoes spread to England, where they were introduced by French prisoners of war.
When playing a game of dominoes, each player has a hand of tiles. In a two player game, each player draws seven tiles, while a three player game requires twelve. The tiles are then shuffled. Each player takes turns picking and placing the tiles, in a manner similar to playing cards. Once all the tiles have been played, the game continues until all the players have blocked. If all of the players have blocked, then the winner is the person with the lowest hand.
There are many different variants of the game of dominoes, and each one has its own character. While the most common version uses the same number of pips on both ends of a domino, others use Arabic numerals instead of pips. Some have double-blanks, which may be counted as either 0 or 14. Another variation, the Concentration variant, is played with a double-six set.
For example, the 3-5 variant has three pips on one half and five pips on the other. The 2-4 variant has two pips on each half, while the 6-4 variant has three pips on each half. This is just the most common variant, but there are other variants that are more complicated.
The most basic variant is the block game. To play, each player draws a tile from a stock of seven, placing it on a table edge. The next player takes a turn adding more dominoes to the platform. As the next player, he or she must then match the ends of one tile to part of the first tile. At that point, he or she can add more tiles to any of the lines, but not to any of the empty ones.
In the game of skillful dominoes, players take turns attempting to reach a target score. Typically, this is a number of points, but it can vary based on the version of the game and the individual players’ whims. Regardless of which game you play, you’ll need to agree on the number of points before you start.
The pips on a domino are arranged in a certain way, and a domino with a certain number of pips is often called a “double”. Similarly, a tile with a certain number of pips on both ends is referred to as a “double-six”.
The most sophisticated version of the domino is the Concentration variant. Players must achieve a total pip count of at least twelve in order to win. However, the trick-taking variants are also quite common. Basically, the only difference between the two is that each trick counts as one point, rather than three.