MMA Betting Scams Revealed

Gambling Blog Jan 16, 2025

Betting on MMA matches requires a good deal of research and analyzing of fighters’ records and styles to make a profitable bet. Getting the most out of your wagering experience also involves paying attention to storyline developments and backstage news, which can have an impact on the outcome of a bout. Keeping up with the fight analysis published by credible sources like Sherdog can help you place your bets with confidence and accuracy.

Aside from moneyline bets, mma betting offers a number of other options including over/under bets and method of victory bets. Method of victory bets, which are available for most major MMA bouts, allow bettors to predict how a fighter will win a particular match. The most common methods of victory include knockout/technical knockout, submission and judges’ scorecards (including a Draw).

Despite the UFC’s ban on gambling by its fighters, the sport is saturated with gambling activity. Many fighters promote their own wagering lines and share betting tips on social media, while others even get paid by betting companies for shouting out their sponsors at prefight news conferences. Some coaches have also been known to accept bets from big-time bettors and split the revenue.

While this all sounds well and good, a number of MMA betting scandals have been uncovered. For instance, a Discord group for MMA gamblers reported in April that the Professional Fighters League (PFL) had aired a series of pre-recorded fights that were billed as live events. The PFL later admitted to running the taped events and said that it would review its policies. US Integrity, an organization that monitors sports wagering and investigates betting-related fraud, launched an investigation into the incident.

Wagering in MMA is an integral part of the sport’s culture, and a bet on a fight can help boost handle for a show. But the practice has come under scrutiny after some of the sport’s biggest names were linked to illicit betting. UFC chief business officer Hunter Campbell issued a memo in January that said fighters and members of their training staff—including coaches—are prohibited from placing bets on fights for leagues with which they’re affiliated.

A key element of successful MMA betting is to perform thorough research on a fighter’s injury history and recent form. A fighter who has struggled with injuries in the past can be prone to repeating old mistakes in future matches, and it’s important to take that into account when placing your bets. It’s also worth noting that a fighter’s form can be affected by the venue and if they are competing in front of a home crowd.

Prop bets are a fun way to add an extra dimension to your MMA betting experience and they can provide you with better value than standard MMA betting markets. In addition to offering a variety of different wagering options, these markets also give you the opportunity to bet on unique scenarios that may not otherwise be available. ESPN BET offers a wide variety of MMA props, and they are constantly adding new ones.